
Thursday, 23 February 2012

Quiz Night over

Another Quiz Night and Hot pot supper been and gone!, can't wait for the next one in October!.

Last night saw a great turnout for the above event, as shown by the following pix's, are you on them.
Quiz Master Phil doing a good job, with a very varied selections of questions.

Nice to see a lot more ladies than usual! 

Are you sure John?


The prizes fought over with great gusto, and the wine wasn't bad either, thanks to Mike and Chris for another good event, I don't know how they do it for the money!

And last but not least a big thank you to the Dinner Ladies for the dishing out of Hot Pot, Dessert, Tea and Coffee.
Another great night and we are only just into February.

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Quiz night & Hot Pot.

Don't forget to-morrow it's
Quiz Night and Hot Pot Supper
 22rd February 2012 at 8-00pm 

Wednesday Night in the Clubhouse
 Bring the family and join the fun

Mike's Hot Pot, Apple Pie and Cream 
An event not to be missed!

Thursday, 9 February 2012

News Letter Feb 2012

                      ETHEROW  MODEL  BOAT  CLUB
                                    NEWS  LETTER

Date.  February 2012


Message from the Commodore

A happy New Year to all our members and partners.  I wish everyone good health and happiness this year and hope that despite the economic doom and gloom that surrounds us these days we can still enjoy our sailing and social events.
Perhaps the relatively warm, dry day enjoyed on the occasion of the December frostbite sail was a good omen for 2012.  There was a big attendance with a large number of boats on the water as well.  Thanks to Mike for organizing the catering – teas, coffees, hot soup and mince pies – in the clubhouse and to Glyn for the BBQ on the landing stage.  We have a number of events, including a new major exhibition at the beginning of March, which I hope will be similarly well supported.
Exhibitions take time to organise. Space needs to be planned. For this reason it is necessary for Chris Guttridge, our exhibition secretary, to ask members to commit themselves and/or their models well in advance of the exhibition date. For the Haydock Park event (formerly the Birchwood show) participating clubs are invited to address a particular theme.  Last year it was cargo vessels; this year it will be tugs.  If anyone has a tug hiding in their loft or workshop here is the moment to service it in readiness for the August Show. Other types of vessels can also be included in a club’s display.
Later this year we will be holding the annual commodore’s challenge; so to give ample time for preparations I will convey now the broad outlines of the task. It’s a straight runner project. Good luck and I hope there will be plenty of entries to make it a fun event.

The Commodore’s Challenge 2012
Build a straight running boat to the following specifications:
·                 length:   36 inches minimum to 60 inches maximum
·                 Beam: 4 inches minimum
·                 Motor: 540
·                 Battery: 4v to 7.2v
·                 Single propeller
The boat will be aimed at a target; the highest score will be the winner.

Chris Platford

Social News:   

Coaches have now been booked for two club trips so far. They are Harrogate model engineering exhibition on Saturday 12th May, leaving Wickes, Stockport 8,15am & Morrisons Denton at 8.30am, leaving return time 3-00 to 4.00 pm. Closing date for booking this trip is Wednesday May 2nd, members £16 – guests £18.
Warwick model boat show November 10th, leaving Morrisons Denton 8.00 am, Wickes Stockport 8.15 am, leaving return time 3.00 to 4.00 pm, closing date for this trip Wednesday 31st October, members £18 guests £20.
 For further details & booking, Contact Mike 0161- 3360306.

Hot-pot & QUIZ NIGHT Wednesday February 22nd 8.00 pm, teams of four   
The questions: some nautical, some  general knowledge, some history, plus a little fun quiz


Mike would like to know if club member and friends would be interested in a day trip to Windermere in July on a Sunday. Member and friends / guests £10, leaving about 9.00 – 9.30 am Stockport and denton..
Thats is all for now, see you about..
Mike Hodgson,  Social secretary.

Exhibitions news:

Manchester model and model engineering exhibition event city Trafford Park, across from the Trafford centre, off Barton  docks road, March 2-3-4, 10.00am to 5.00 pm. Trade and club stands, we will be having a EMBC club stand.
 There will be a RNLI stand and a pool for sailing boats on.                                                                                                                                        It is also the Ellesmere Port trade show on March 3- 4.
Lifeboat weekend in on June 23-24, 10.00 am to 5,00pm, free tea / coffee, we have guests coming from all over the country. For more details contact : Chris on 07411 636675.
 Grand Jubilee Raft Race Race will be on Bank holiday Monday June 4th, 10.00 am to 5.00 pm in aid of HELP FOR HEROS and the ROYAL MANCHESTER CHILDRENS HOSPITAL, if you can help in any way contact: Andy 264 5215 or Mike 336 0306 or Chris 07411 636675

CLUB 500 news:

 Rules update for 500 racing: 1, All boats to be 500 mm in length and have a minimum of 4mm free board. 2, Boats to have a “soft” bow protectors. 3, 500 series closed cam  un-modified motor, rigid prop shaft connected directly to the motor (no flexy drive or gearboxes) and plastic props only allowed. 6 x sub-c cell 7.2v batteries. 4, No speed controls. 5, “AAA” or “AA” for Rx, on/off only. 6, Race course to be decided on the night. 7, Boats to be open for inspection before racing starts. 8, All boats to show skippers club membership number. NOTES  Any dispute to be settled before start of next race..   John. Race 500 Secretary

Sorry if you have receiced some for this news letter before, but some members did not receive anything so I decided to send the news letter full to all club members,

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

More of Terry's modelling

This is a better type of Modelling don't you think, bet you didn't expect this when you saw the title did you!

As you may know I work voluntarily for the NMSI (renamed as MOSI is now part of the National Museums)

The vehicle is one which appears in the insurance advert 'Sheila's Wheels' For a particular transport event the vehicle was on loan to MOSI and by coincidence a local girl pop band were making a promo video for their record company which included the car.
The video was being filmed in the evening and I was asked to supervise the vehicle ensuring it was not damaged. 
I did not appear in the video (too old) but stayed with the girls for publicity photographs, they were a lovely group but I realised my age when one of them opened the door to help me out!
(We will believe you Terry, but did Bernadette)

The other photo is myself with B10 which I restored some years ago and is the world first axial flow compressor for a turbojet flight engine F2 ( as opposed to Whittles jet which utilised a centrifugal compressor) WU

Thanks again Terry for the article, wish more members would contribute. 

You should take modelling up professionally Terry

Thanks again Terry.