
Saturday, 16 May 2015

A day at the lake.

A day at the lake.

While at the lake the other day had a chat with Charlie, just a distraction as he is getting too good these days at sailing his Fiesta.

Glyn was also there with one of his cruisers.

Eric said he had bought this aerial top as it reminded him of someone in the club who wasn't sat a million miles away from him. Having said that Al the Comm was there too with his Atlantis WW2 freighter.

Alan had sent me an earlier email with his latest project and here it is.
What a whopper!.

Here is Abdul, with his wallet, just had his lunch in the Cafe.

While at the cafe I'd noticed something shining on the landing stage, so with the zoom on my camera saw that it was a steel ramp down into the water 

 On closer inspection and information found out that Mike (the fixer) had been out again with his tools and fitted the ramp to help getting the rescue boat in and out, it's been getting a bit knocked about lately and this will help to preserve it a bit longer, the price of a new one is quite a lot as you can imagine. 

Another nice job Mike!
  That's it for now Folks, off to the lake again to see if there's anyone there!.
 Anyone into bird watching here are some of the baby Coots, away from the activity of the landing stage.

Cute hey!.

Thursday, 7 May 2015

Tug Day at Etherow today, 7.5.2015

Tug Day at Etherow today, 7.5.2015 

Today at the lake there were the usual Thursday crowd sailing yachts and motorised boats.
It was a bad day early on with heavy rain and overcast skies, but it cleared up later and by then it was only these tugs left to film!.
Al the Comm, Eric Presley (No relation) and Garth were the Captains involved, pity there was nothing for them to push and pull about, still I think Alan was of the same opinion, so think he will be looking into the idea.
 Must look at my Wyeforce and get it refurbished in case anything comes of that!.

After piling rubble on the top section of the garden last year to keep the geese from building their nests there, this week a Canada Goose has taken up residence a bit lower down and must be very nest proud has she has taken all the flowers out of Mrs Dootsons vase and lined her nest with them!.
That's the way to do it!

That would make a nice big omelette wouldn't it.
Trouble is it's quite cold so a bit of a waste of time for her. 

Very decorative hey, Don't think Mrs Dootson will be impressed though

Next Events
2000     13th May          Wednesday                     Club night                     Clubhouse   
1100     17th May          Sunday                            Steering Comp               Landing stage
1900     20th May        Wednesday                      Club 500 Racing            Landing stage
2000     27th    May        Wednesday                     Club night                      Clubhouse   

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Fiesta racing report May 2015.

Fiesta report 3/5/2015

 Hi to all.                

   We had very little wind.

 The weather was OK, eight  turned up to sail.

Had nine  races in all, but had to use a short course

 in the last few races.

The results are :-

Trevor Redford 1st, Terry Miles 2nd,

David Lee 3rd, Bob Dunkerley  4th, Andy Glen 5th,

Andy Spencer 6th, Tom Walton,7th. George Taylor 8th.

Thanks to all of you for coming to sail.

See you all next month David Lee. OOD

Make a note that the Blackpool show is at a different venue this year, check out the Shows and Events tab!.
 October 17/18.

Click here to see info in Model Boats magazine