
Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Warwick Model Boat show.

 12th & 13th  November 2016, Model Boat show. Warwick

            Coach Trip  -    Payment to be made at time of booking.

If you are thinking of going on the coach trip to Warwick would you please contact Mike Hodgson as soon as possible with your name and clutching your money in your hot little hand.
Mike needs to know how many are going, so he can order the coach or Smart car!, so you can see his difficulty hey.
Al the Comm  

Check out the "For Sale" section, new boats added!

Next Events
2000       12th October      Wednesday    HOT POT AND QUIZ       Clubhouse        

1500    15th October     Saturday           Club 500 Racing          Landing Stage
1100    16th  October      Sunday           Steering Comp             Landing stage
1500    22nd October      Saturday         Time Trials                  Landing Stage
2000     26th October      Wednesday     Club Night                   Clubhouse.

Middle age is when you go to bed at night and hope you'll feel better in the morning.
Old age is when you go to bed and hope you wake up in the morning!.

Its the way I tell em!.

Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Fiesta results 2/10/2016.

Fiesta Results 2/10/2016

Hi to you all.

Fiesta result for 2nd of October 2016

We had some wind for a change, but very light, got 10 races in.  Weather OK.  Five came to sail.

Trevor Redford 1st, Terry Miles 2nd, David Lee 3rd, Bob Dunkerley 4th, George Taylor 5th.

See you all next year, merry Xmas and happy new year.

David Lee.
See the "For Sale" section for some nice static boats for sale this week!

Next Events.

2000       12th October      Wednesday    HOT POT AND QUIZ       Clubhouse        

1500    15th October     Saturday                Club 500 Racing          Landing Stage
1100    16th  October      Sunday             Steering Comp             Landing stage
1500    22nd October      Saturday             Time Trials                  Landing Stage
2000     26th October      Wednesday         Club Night                   Clubhouse.
A Texan goes to the dentist 
"Your teeth look fine" says the dentist.
"Drill anyway" says the Texan, "I feel lucky".

If the bouncer gets drunk, who throws him out!