
Thursday, 25 July 2019

Landing Stage

Looks Good !

Thanks to all who turned out last Tuesday to help repaint the landing stage benches.

The work tables have been cleaned too, but they still need a wire brush and jet wash which could not be done on the day as the bench paint was still wet.

On the Big Lake

Sailing on the Big Lake - Tuesday 23 May

Photo taken by David Lee

Wednesday, 17 July 2019

Fiesta Racing Report

Fiesta Report - 14 July 2019

Weather good for a change, but very little wind.
Ten races in all, most of them short.


  •     1     Terry Miles
  •     2     John Berry
  •     3     Trevor Redford
  •     4     David Lee
  •     5     Andy Spencer
  •     6     Ken Jones

Next race day - Sunday 11 August.

David Lee

Sunday, 7 July 2019

Another Working Party

Landing Stage Working Party

Now that the boathouse has been fixed, the landing stage needs a bit of TLC as well, so another working party has been scheduled.

Tuesday, July 23 at 10.00 a.m.

We need clean and re-paint the benches and boat tables and generally fettle up the rest of the landing stage. So as many as possible of the fit and healthy please turn up in old clothes to help.

Please note that sailing on that day is suspended until we have got the job done, so the quicker we do it, the sooner we will all be back on the water again.

Boathouse Rebuilt

Boathouse Rebuilt

Many of you will have seen the results of the recent working party to repair and re-roof the boathouse. Appalling weather for the day of the working party, but it cleared up a bit in the afternoon and the [rather damp] crew managed to get the job done.

Work in Progress

Job Done

Once again, special thanks to Lew who spent most of the day doing heavy engineering on the boathouse, while standing precariously in the rescue boat, and to all the rest who laboured in fairly atrocious conditions.

Bugsworth Gala

Bugsworth Gala - 6 July

A great day out yesterday at the Bugsworth Canal Basin Community Fun Day. The early drizzle cleared up by about 10.30, and the sun even came out for a while later on. Lots of interest, especially from families and children, many of whom had a go sailing some of our boats.

This year, the Gala was in aid of the Manchester and Cheshire Dogs Home, so the place was crammed with dogs of all shapes and sizes. One of the highlights was a demonstration of Newfoundland water rescue dogs getting wet and doing what they like best.

Many thanks to all the usual Club stalwarts who turned out to put on such a good show, and especially to Howard Meadowcroft who did most of the organising, as George Barrett was not well, and Lew Wallwork who did the heavy transport of all the paraphanalia. Lew had his big steamer on the water and, in between sailing it, seemed to spend a lot of the day with the steam plant in bits on the bench trying to fix some knotty problem.