
Monday, 24 April 2023

Marple Carnival

 Marple Carnival - Saturday 17 June

The Club has been invited to have a stand with a display of boats at this year's Marple Carnival, on Saturday 17 June, on the park adjacent to the Top Lock of the canal.

Sailing will be permitted in the top lock during the event, so put the date in your diaries. George Barrett will be canvassing exhibitors in the near future.

When we regularly attended the Marple Locks Festival on the same site a few years ago, this was always an excellent and popular event, so do not miss it.

A Reminder to Members !

Club Rules

The club has received a complaint from a member of the public concerning  the sailing of fast boats on the lake last Wednesday afternoon, disturbing the wildlife.

Please remember that it is the breeding season, and that extra care needs to be taken when sailing at this time of year

You are also reminded that the general ban on the use of fast electric boats on the lake at any time, except under controlled racing conditions, is still in place and that action will be taken by the Club against any member found to be harassing the wildlife.

It is very much in the Club's interest to treat the local wildlife with respect, as difficult as this might be at this time of year when the bird population is expanding with the breeding season.

Please take Note !!