
Monday, 7 March 2011

Etherow V Ellesmere

What ever you did this weekend, this was the model boating scene for some club members 

Bob the Abell took time off  from his busy schedule installing new kitchen cabinets and chanced a roasting off  " her indoors"  by going to Ellesmere to take these pictures for you !
So if you didn't manage to get there or haven't been before this is it.

Real thing in the background

Busy docks
Opening gambit
The real thing

If you did go and missed the Opening of the Fiesta Racing back home here is a report from Dave Lee the Racing Rep 

We had good weather and wind for a change, had 12 races in all,

seven sailed, with no one dropping out. In all we had a good day.

Trevor 1st, Terry 2nd, David lee 3rd, Richard 4th, Bob 5th, Keith 6th, John 7th.


So it would seem that a good weekend was had by all with good weather and good company

Bob even bought me a  bag of bumpers for the Narra Boat, thanks for them Bob.

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