
Saturday, 9 July 2011

Next club meeting

The next club meeting I've arranged for Alan Higham to give a talk on Steering systems for model boats.
I know he has given this talk before but there have been quite a lot of new members since then and maybe a few of the older ones missed it last time.
I know I was quite surprised to find out that there was such an array of fixtures and fittings just for this subject.
So if you have hear it all before, seen that and got the tee shirt, still come down and you might learn something.

2000hrs   13th July   Wednesday     Club night
Talk by Alan Higham on
Steering systems and fittings

Abstinence is the thin edge of the pledge 

Crime doesn't pay but the hours are optional.

Procrastination is the thief of time,especially if you can't spell it.

That's all folks

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