
Friday, 13 January 2012

Message from the Commorore

Message from the Commodore
A happy New Year to all our members and partners.  I wish everyone good health and happiness this year and hope that despite the economic doom and gloom that surrounds us these days we can still enjoy our sailing and social events.
Perhaps the relatively warm, dry day enjoyed on the occasion of the December frostbite sail was a good omen for 2012.  There was a big attendance with a large number of boats on the water as well.  Thanks to Mike for organising the catering – teas, coffees, hot soup and mince pies – in the clubhouse and to Glyn for the BBQ on the landing stage.  We have a number of events, including a new major exhibition at the beginning of March, which I hope will be similarly well supported.
Exhibitions take time to organise. Space needs to be planned. For this reason it is necessary for Chris Guttridge, our exhibition secretary, to ask members to commit themselves and/or their models well in advance of the exhibition date. For the Haydock Park event (formerly the Birchwood show) participating clubs are invited to address a particular theme.  Last year it was cargo vessels; this year it will be tugs.  If anyone has a tug hiding in their loft or workshop here is the moment to service it in readiness for the August Show. Other types of vessels can also be included in a club’s display.
Later this year we will be holding the annual commodore’s challenge; so to give ample time for preparations I will convey now the broad outlines of the task. It’s a straight runner project. Good luck and I hope there will be plenty of entries to make it a fun event.
The Commodore’s Challenge 2012
Build a straight running boat to the following specifications:
·       length:   36 inches minimum to 60 inches maximum
·       Beam: 4 inches minimum
·       Motor: 540
·       Battery: 4v to 7.2v
·       Single propeller
The boat will be aimed at a target; the highest score will be the winner.

Chris Platford

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