
Thursday, 26 January 2012

More club members models.

Last night saw another busy night at the club meeting, with the new commodore announcing the idea of a submariners outing and asking for any suggestions for venues, he has one lined up to contact in Oldham, but is looking for something nearer the club if anyone knows of such!. there were people queuing up to pay Geoff with their subs for this year and lots of chatter and banter.
There were some fine models on display of Land rovers and trucks, not boats I hear someone say, but if you learn something along the way I don't think it matters where the idea comes from does it!
Can't get away from the fine modelling can you, No prizes for the owner with lifeboats logo's on most of them!
Can you guess the idea for the top blue flashing lights on the Land Rover, had them on the front and back as well

Can't guess well they are Disposable gas lighter cases with flashing LEDS inserted so now you can see that we can learn something from other modelling peoples ideas from other types of modelling.
What a good idea, perhaps I should start a Page of Tips and ideas,what do you think?
Close up of top lights.
In closing, must mention that one of the members has a disabled friend who is looking for a Wood turning lathe, details in the "Wanted section" if you know of one, funny isn't it when Bob Abell had one for sale there was no takers, seemed every one had one in their workshop they didn't use! well dig one out for this good cause, give a disabled person another interest in life.
Bob by the way donated his to the Manchester Science and Industry museum after they said they would buy it, what a good gesture, anyone else out there like him.

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