
Monday, 9 April 2012

Saturday at the lake

Saturday found Pepe and I at the lake where the "J" class sailors Trevor,Dave and Bob were having their usual races.
Previous picture 

Also there were Richard White and some of his friends from the South Manchester model club (Platt Fields)
I think they had come to suss out about "J" Class yachts from our experts.
Pity the For sale section had one on there the other day, but was soon snapped up. Still a nice Fiesta still on there though.

Richard's nice little tug

New judge for next year?, if it tastes nice its passed.

Took Pepe for a walk round the park afterwards and for those of you non-members viewing, here are some of the places in the park.
Sluice Gates

Wardens old cottage
inside the Cafe
The big lake.
Our landing stage.
Header picture shows the Cafe, information centre and toilets.

Check out the Links section on the left for other scenes round the park.

Also in evidence on the landing stage! on Saturday.
This years Mother Goose.
Only 4 eggs up to now.

This was last years Mother, is it the same one?, No prizes for guessing though.

Last years clutch 14, the other wildlife eat well for a few weeks.

Club night this coming Wednesday 11th April.
Don't forget to book your seat on the coach for the Harrogate trip, 12th May, not long now, it will be here before you know it.

Name will do so Mike can get an idea of numbers, but name and Money would be better!

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