
Thursday, 14 June 2012

Another good club meeting

Last night saw another successful meeting at the clubhouse.
There was a call for volunteer's for the next weekend event, which is the International Lifeboat Rally, see below for details, people to set up either day and people to get the stuff down and packed away afterwards, if you can't get to one thing, perhaps you could help at another!.
Saturday we need a good showing of our club boats, not only lifeboats, but a good variety of models on the small lake to show off to the public.
Sunday mainly Lifeboats on the big lake but still our models on the small lake, you saw the interest shown by the public at the raft race event the other week, lets show them more still.
There will be stands for model display as well as the benches on the landing stage and on the water!
The Raft race generated a total (up to now) of £600 to the Manchester children's Hospital and another £600 to the Help 4 Hero's, both very worthwhile funds.

 After the usual announcements there was a couple of get well cards sent round for George Barrett (motor bike accident) and Jim brown ( General ill health). 
I'm sure you will join me in wishing them both a speedy recovery.

The night  in general was a talk by Bob (Mr TV) Abell, well actually it was Bob and his boat the Great Eastern and a talk by your's truly, I think it went well, I enjoyed it anyway and judging by the crowds round afterwards asking Bob different questions instead of the usual mad rush for the door so did most people, the picture is not a good reflection of the numbers there, but taken at the end of the night when I could get back near Bob and the boat.
It was surprising the number of members that hadn't seen GE, though it has been on our lake before, on TV and at Ellesmere Model Boat Show this year.

Chris the Commodore ended the night by thanking Bob for his dedication and expertise in the model build and his bringing the club to the attention of the Model boat world.
Thanks from me Bob as the members Rep for an enjoyABELL last few months helping out with GE and the beans on toast at the dinner times in the camper van.
That's all folk's see you on the Lifeboat Day, if not before!.
Peter (Duckie) Teal.

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