
Saturday, 24 November 2012

Ken's Lifeboats

Had these pictures for a while waiting for a lull on the site and to-day thought it would be the right time to show them to you!.
First there is the Tamar Class

 The Trent Class

And last but not least the Waveney Class
I'm personally not very well up on the different types of lifeboats, but can recognise nice workmanship when I see it!, well done Ken and thanks for sharing your pictures with us all.

Another Eureka Moment from Bob the Abell

I thought this idea up many years ago when building a 1/4 scale Piper Cub and was rewarded with an MFA motor set from one of the model aircraft magazines for suggesting it!
When you can`t get an elastic bound round something, like a giant Piper Cub fuz, I came up with the "S hook" idea........See photo........and an added bonus, is that you can add as many bands as you like for more clamping power!
Photo shows the "S hook" in action on the Great Eastern build

What`s the other idea, Bob?............Oh yes
You can get the bands for free!
The Postman drops them on the pavement, outside your front door!

This is part of a new series of Eureka Moments that can be found 
on the tab up at the top, or by clicking Here

That's all for now folks!.

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