
Tuesday, 12 March 2013

After the show's

Well the dust has settled again after the shows, I hope you liked the reports that were put together from different people who went to the two shows, hopefully the organisers can get together for next year and spread them out a bit, yes you can go to both in the same weekend, But will your better half be happy with that! I think not.
I personally went to Ellesmere as I've mentioned earlier, I didn't take a lot of money on the day as I was sure I didn't need much in the way of supplies.
 Wouldn't you know it, I saw something there that I fell  for straight away, a sound system stand there.
Stand alone system, no wiring to do. 

One of our members had bought one before Christmas and I thought it was good then and there was a stand just for that, after the demo on the different sounds and connections I was hooked, But as you know they don't do Credit/Debit cards at shows!, and cheque books are being fazed out these days.
Luckily Bob the Abell came to the rescue and loaned me the money!, he knows I'm not here to-day and gone to-morrow, I'm here to-day and gone to-night!! only joking Bob.

And here are my best buys

Saved about £12.50 on show price.
These items will be in the "Shop's and Equipment" section at the top of the page in future complete with price list
If you go on Mark's website you will see he has added our Club to his list of club's, I do like a bit of free advertising don't you, I'm sure Mark does too.
On the subject of advertising, whilst at the lake the other week, a lady asked if she could take a picture of her doll with a boat, it seemed she writes for a dolls magazine!. 
"Of course" I replied and invited her on to the landing stage and got Alan Breese to put one of his beautiful boats on the water for her and here is my picture.
 There is a charge for this you know I said to her, you have to add our club name in your article I said, I do like a bit of free advertising!.
Just as a rider to this post, Bob the Abell, his better half Joyce and I went out for a meal last week to the Harts Head Pub in Ashton and though I don't drink much I had to try one of the specialities of the house, can you believe this

An Aussie beer, prob-abelly better on the beach in your shorts and a bit of sand blown in!.

Don't forget it's Club night to-morrow the 13th March, hope the weather clears up for then.
That's all for now folk's

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