
Thursday, 20 June 2013

Lady Lesley Video and next event.

While at the lake yesterday I took a video of Gordon Longworth's fishing boat, " Lady Lesley", this is Model Slipways kit the "Our lass 2", which Gordon has altered slightly, mainly the colours to suit his own taste, his wife liked it so much he named it after her, But after he weathered it only slightly she didn't like it so much, Women hey!.
Here it is, another great model by one of our members.

This is the real thing,
So I think Model Slipway have done a great job with their boat kit and to show you the model in action here is the video I took!.


Just past the sign that say's "NO fishing beyond this point" spotted these nice fish basking in the top pool 

They must be sniggering all day long up there!.

This Sunday the 23rd June 2013 there is the Club Open day/Regatta which is replacing the cancelled RNLI Weekend, if you can make it at such short notice the stands will be setting up at 09-00AM for a 10-00AM start. 
If like me you can only make it for the setting up stage or the end stage, remember many hands make light work with the setting up.
So hope to see you all there on the day.
By the way take a look at the "For sale" section there are some good bargains on there at the moment!

That's all for now folks, happy sailing.

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