
Monday, 13 October 2014

Sunny October 2014.

Sunny October 2014.

Considering the weather forecast was a bit rough, it was nice to see the forecasters had got it wrong again and it turned out to be quite nice, though not a lot of wind for the yachtsmen.
the morning went well with a good selection of models though my favourite on the day was Robb Gibb's lifeboat which he had brought to give it a trial with the new car battery he had bought, he was quite pleased with the result and as you will see on the following video, the boat sat well in the water after a bit of positioning of the battery and marking for restrains to be added at home. 

The video


After a spot of lunch in the Cafe or a packed home lunch for some, it was back to the sailing to get some more in before the speedy chaps (the boats not the chaps really) started at !500hrs with the Club 500 racing, it's too dark in the evenings these days!.
I myself left at that time as I don't like to see grown men crying as their boats come to grief round one or the other of the buoys!.
Some of them just got to the landing stage in time for the racing as the car park by that time was manic, I was thinking of auctioning my parking spot to the highest bidder by then, could have made a few bob for the club funds. Perhaps we could save a few spots and sell them as the day get's busy hey!.
Next events 
1100hrs  19th October     Sunday          Steering Comp     Landing stage
2000hrs  22rd October    Wednesday   (Quiz and Hot Pot)    Clubhouse
The Blackpool Model Boat Show
 25th & 26th October. 
Sponsored by A Model World
The Norcalympia Hall at the Norbreck Castle Hotel
Queens Promenade
Contact for further details: 01606 891999

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