
Thursday, 11 December 2014

AGM 2014

A good night was had by all at the AGM 2014, with lots of members present and the bar doing a good trade, though these days it's mostly soft drinks unless you can get someone to taxi you there and back!.
The Commodore before handing over the proceedings to the various committee members thanked all the people who had donated equipment, trophies and their time to help the club over the past year!.

There was the usual large number of raffle prizes and everyone was glad to see the electronic counter in use, so there was no shouts of "Shake up the Bag".
The treasurer gave his report stating that even though we had got a new storage Container and motor for the rescue boat and various other things during the year we were still in the black to the point that the club funds for the coming year would stay the same as this year, and the year before that!, so that was good news for everyone!.
The Exhibition Secretary who has done a great job this year gave his report and stated that we had another new venue for the coming year ( see 2015 Diary in Tab at top of site) also the venue at Poynton were so happy this year, they wanted us back and wanted 20 tables next year!, so Gordon asked for more of the members to support these events to publish the club and generate more new members perhaps.

There is a couple of new positions on the committee this year see the Committee tab at the top.

A surprise for the Social Secretary was to be given a Lifetime membership for his untiring work for the club over many years. He hadn't known about it, so it was nice to see the surprise on his face!
  Mike the Man.

There on the night!

See the "Awards Tab 2014  at the top of the web to see the winners of the various sections this year and pictures of the members in case you don't recognize them or their names. 
Clever and talented  people all of  them.
Last event.

Saturday,   1100hrs     27th December, Frostbite Day Sail.


Merry Christmas 
and a 
Happy New Year
to all our members and readers.

Follower on the landing Stage!.


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