
Saturday, 6 December 2014

Cold Cold Saturday!.

Cold Cold Saturday 

Went to the lake this morning and I wasn't disappointed to see no one there, it was quite cool and come to that there wasn't many in the park!, I had the Cafe to myself and my solitude was only broken by Abdul (The Wallet man) and his Carer and even they didn't have their boat with them.
Not that it mattered as most of the lake was frozen over, and from the headlines in the paper this morning we are going to have a white christmas, so don't forget the hammers for frostbite sail on the 27th Dec, always the day after Boxing day!.
No doubt most of the members were at the Poynton Show Today and Tomorrow!, much warmer in there!

Still a few places for the birds to swim in.

As there was no boats to photograph, how about this little fellow searching round the benches for any food scraps that Trevor might have dropped from his sandwiches, I suppose it doesn't matter if its got garlic on this weather, anything to keep the energy up!  

Also there was King Tut, Tut, Tut, looking out for his swans

And there's a message for you all on the notice board 

To put you in the mood for Christmas!, use your imagination and hear "White Christmas playing in the background. 


Next Events
 2000hrs  10th December    Wednesday  Club night           Clubhouse  AGM

Saturday,   1100hrs     27th December, Frostbite Day Sail.

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