
Sunday, 28 December 2014

Frostbite Sail 2014

Frostbite Sail 2014.

Another good event this week, as always we had our annual Frostbite Sail the day after Boxing Day.
We had a very good turn out and despite the weather it didn't stop the sailors getting their boats out and on the water, which surprisingly wasn't frozen over, which it had been earlier in the week.
Ken launching one of his beautiful lifeboats.

As you can see it was quite misty and chilly.

Seems to be affecting the jaws on a couple of members!.

You know what they say, we are just big boys and their toys, just the prices that get dearer.

Something frozen here?.

Martin, John and Ben, one of our younger members, though dressed for the occasion. 

Nice to see the ladies present too

Young Ben's boat with a camera mounted on it, perhaps will get a couple of video's on YouTube in the future?.

Couple of nice models sailing 

Colin and Donald, the Russian section?.

I was informed that a couple of the boats on the "For Sale" section had been sold, so that part of the website is doing well, I even sold one of my "For future Projects" to Donald so that will keep him busy during the winter months.

In the clubhouse there was the usual hot soup rolls and mince pies!, Thanks once again to Mike in the background there!.

John here seems surprised that Alan the Commodore remembered to give him his award, he was poorly on the awards night, 
Not on my Watch said Alan!.
A picture will be added to the awards tab at the top to complete the section, well done John.

There you have it a nice end to a very good club year.

All the best to you all and a Happy New Year.

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