
Thursday, 17 March 2016

Is it Spring? March 2016.

Is it Spring? March 2016.

Today at the lake there was plenty of sailors in attendance, the sun must have brought some more out to increase the numbers, fair weather sailors perhaps but there again who am I to speak as I tend to only sail in the Spring and Summer.
You have to admire those dedicated members that turn out at every opportunity and then I don't think people realise at the Awards Night the dedication that's gone into their winning their trophies.

Today there was a few Tugs on the water,
Eric Prestley's (no relation) Retriever.

Garth's 'Meander' Like the deck clutter!.

Their Captains, on lunch break.

The yachts and their sailors.
As you can see they are still wrapped up against the cold wind on this corner!.

Then there was Rob with one of his Aziz,s or should the plural be Azizii!, I'll bet my Proof reader Bob will correct me on that, Hey Bob.
  No problem giving Robb a bit of advertising, see the shipping containers on the back

Don't forget to keep you eye on the 'For sale' section, you don't want to miss a bargain I'm sure.
Pierre Gaston the famous chef was cremated yesterday. the service lasted 30 minutes at gas mark 6!

Did you hear of the cannibal who ate his mother-in-law? She still didn't agree with him!.

Next Events

1500     19th March      Saturday               Time Trials                    Landing Stage
1100     20th March     Sunday                 Steering Comp               Landing stage

2000     23rd March      Wednesday        HOT POT AND QUIZ       Clubhouse

          26th and 27th March   Bugsworth Basin   (Details to follow)


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