
Saturday, 27 June 2020

Turbinia on a Shoe-string


John Murphy has sent a photo of his latest creation - still in build.

He says:

In true Murphy 'shoe-string' style the hull is made from venetian blind slats - the keel being  a venetian blind laminate! Plating is lithoplate. The forward cabin is the same.
The conning tower is a yoghurt pot with lithoplate jacket. The funnel is a plastic bird-feeder with lithoplate covering. 
The rear cabin again, Venetian blind, lithoplate and just for a change, window frames made from coffee stirrers!
The portholes are eyelets, with 'google eyes' glazing. Cabins and funnel have been painted with undercoat.
The deck, incidentally, is a piece of birch ply from Canada, date stamped 1941, which was intended to make Mosquitos.
The hull below the waterline will be green, the funnel yellow (!) and cabins white.

It should be a striking looking vessel when completed - Wonder if it will have a steam turbine ?

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