
Tuesday, 5 April 2022

Alan Breese

Alan Breese Workshop Sale

Many of you will know that when Alan Breese, our late Commodore, died suddenly a few years ago, he left behind an extremely well equipped workshop, as well as a large collection of high quality boats.

His wife, Jenny, asked the club about two years ago for help in disposing of the contents of the workshop and some of the boats. This was held up, as most things were, by the onset of Covid and subsequent lock downs. At long last, however, we have been able to start on what is likely to be a fairly major and lengthy exercise.

The first two car loads have now been extracted from Alan's workshop, and will be displayed and offered for sale at the next club night, on Wednesday 13 April.

This first tranche comprises mainly hand tools, some power tools and modelling materials. All proceeds from the sale will go to Jenny Breese.

Do not miss this sale ! - When we first saw the workshop two years ago, we were amazed that one person could have amassed such a phenomenal collection of tools and bits and pieces in one lifetime.

Further sales will be held over the coming months as we work our way further into the depths of the workshop. We have no idea what we will find then, but it will certainly be worth the effort.

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