Monday 16 September 2024

Quiz Night

 Quiz Night

The Annual Quiz Night, postponed from earlier in the year, will now be held in the Clubhouse on Wednesday 9 October, starting at 8.00 p.m.

All members are welcome, with teams of four [maximum]. Prizes for the winners, and hot dogs will be served, courtesy of Mike Hodgson.

Saturday 10 August 2024

Beware - EMail Scam

 EMail Scam

Several members have reported that they have received EMails purporting to be from Chris Platford, attempting to persuade the recipients to part with money.

This is a scam. Somebody has gained access to Chris's EMail address book. Delete any such EMail immediately, and do not respond.

Tuesday 18 June 2024

Don Beswick

 Don Beswick

Many of you will already know that Don Beswick, a long standing member of the Club, died recently.

His funeral will be at 10.45 on Monday 01 July, in the Rowan Chapel at Stockport Crematorium, SK2 6LS.

Don's family have invited all Club members attending to the reception afterwards, which will be held at the Alma Lodge Hotel, Stockport SK2 6EL.  If you are intending to join Don's family at the reception, will you please let John Berry know, so he can advise the family of numbers attending, for catering purposes.

Sunday 16 June 2024

Marple Carnival

 Marple Carnival

A big thank you to all those members who helped with the EMBC display at Marple Carnival yesterday.

About 30 boats were on display, of all types and sizes

The weather was a bit mixed, with occasional heavy rain showers, but we had quite a lot of interest from visitors.

Throughout the day there were boats sailing on the lock pound, with one having to be rescued from the middle by Howard M's noodle tug when its propeller got fouled by weed.

Wednesday 15 May 2024

Quiz NIght Postponed

 Quiz Night Postponed

We regret to announce that the Quiz Night advertised for Wednesday 22 May has had to be postponed.

We have just heard that Mike H has been taken seriously ill, and will be out of action for a while, so it will not be possible to provide catering next week.

The Quiz Night will be re-scheduled, and a new date announced in the near future.

Apologies to everybody.

Monday 13 May 2024

Quiz Night

 Quiz Night

The next Club Night on Wednesday May 22 is Quiz night, with Hot Dogs.

Teams of four, and prizes for the winners. Questions set by Geoff and Hot Dogs served by Mike.

Come along and join in.

Friday 29 March 2024

 Commodore's Challenge - 2024

Details of this year's Commodore's Challenge have just been released.

This year's Challenge is to build a model of a WW2 landing Craft - with a difference.

See the Commodore's Challenge page for full details, and links from where you can download copies of the plans in .PDF format.

If any member can not print the plans themselves, Chris Galloway or Geoff Garside can supply paper copies.

Judging will take place on a date yet to be announced, but will not be before the end of August.

Happy Building !!

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