
Sunday, 29 January 2012

Grand scale modelling

 Friday I was helping John at Macclesfield chapel, we fitted a new section of down spout outside and then it was the title job!
Carrying on from the earlier Blog this week on members modelling,I thought you might like to see modelling RJR Originals and Dad style 
I know its not a grand piano but its bigger than the usual modelling isn't it , made a new side for the up right piano and strengthened  the feet and here is the finished article

You can just see the blocks to strengthen the feet that were collapsing with keep moving it about!
So next time you complain about the weight of your model boat think of this!

Thursday, 26 January 2012

More club members models.

Last night saw another busy night at the club meeting, with the new commodore announcing the idea of a submariners outing and asking for any suggestions for venues, he has one lined up to contact in Oldham, but is looking for something nearer the club if anyone knows of such!. there were people queuing up to pay Geoff with their subs for this year and lots of chatter and banter.
There were some fine models on display of Land rovers and trucks, not boats I hear someone say, but if you learn something along the way I don't think it matters where the idea comes from does it!
Can't get away from the fine modelling can you, No prizes for the owner with lifeboats logo's on most of them!
Can you guess the idea for the top blue flashing lights on the Land Rover, had them on the front and back as well

Can't guess well they are Disposable gas lighter cases with flashing LEDS inserted so now you can see that we can learn something from other modelling peoples ideas from other types of modelling.
What a good idea, perhaps I should start a Page of Tips and ideas,what do you think?
Close up of top lights.
In closing, must mention that one of the members has a disabled friend who is looking for a Wood turning lathe, details in the "Wanted section" if you know of one, funny isn't it when Bob Abell had one for sale there was no takers, seemed every one had one in their workshop they didn't use! well dig one out for this good cause, give a disabled person another interest in life.
Bob by the way donated his to the Manchester Science and Industry museum after they said they would buy it, what a good gesture, anyone else out there like him.

Monday, 16 January 2012

Silver II

As a follow on from Terry's article is another of his splendid builds!
Attached is the latest Steam Turbine boat 'Silver II'. The hull is my design and interestingly is made from plywood which was found in a store for the repair of the Mosquito aircraft in 1944

The boat has sailed at Etherow and was photographed on the water by Dave Lee. My thanks to Dave.

Provided By Terry Burnett

Thanks for your contribution to the blog, Terry. 
Every entry helps to keep the blog alive and interesting.
I had trouble opening this article sent by Terry, but Son John managed to do it in the end, and well worth it.
Keep them coming folks.

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Terry Burnett's Steam Turbine

Another fine model by Terry, it had a three page spread in Model Boats magazine back  in July 2007, why not dig out that old copy and check  out the write up!,  we aren't able to reproduce it here for copy write reasons, but well worth the read.

The turbine is the final development in a series of steam turbines I have made. The prototype appeared in model boats magazine, ( July 2007)
Details as follows:
50 impulse section blades in the rotor
Stainless steel rolling element bearings throughout. Casing aluminium. Gears steel.
Superheated steam (approx 8 deg C superheat at inlet) at 100PSI initial inlet pressure.
Convergent divergent nozzle + reversing nozzle
Reduction gearbox 7:1
Turbine speed 28,000 rpm
Regards Terry
We certainly have some good engineering modellers in the club and getting quite a few mentions in the modelling magazines lately one way or another with the Bob Abell's cable laying " Great Eastern" double spread last month and his own write up due out in March!, and the Lifeboat Days we've had created some good press coverage, there is no doubt who and where  we are now! 

Let's keep it up and have another great year! its all down to the members isn't it.
There isn't much difference between a toilet seat and an anniversary is there, Men usually miss them both.

That's all for now folks.

Friday, 13 January 2012

Message from the Commorore

Message from the Commodore
A happy New Year to all our members and partners.  I wish everyone good health and happiness this year and hope that despite the economic doom and gloom that surrounds us these days we can still enjoy our sailing and social events.
Perhaps the relatively warm, dry day enjoyed on the occasion of the December frostbite sail was a good omen for 2012.  There was a big attendance with a large number of boats on the water as well.  Thanks to Mike for organising the catering – teas, coffees, hot soup and mince pies – in the clubhouse and to Glyn for the BBQ on the landing stage.  We have a number of events, including a new major exhibition at the beginning of March, which I hope will be similarly well supported.
Exhibitions take time to organise. Space needs to be planned. For this reason it is necessary for Chris Guttridge, our exhibition secretary, to ask members to commit themselves and/or their models well in advance of the exhibition date. For the Haydock Park event (formerly the Birchwood show) participating clubs are invited to address a particular theme.  Last year it was cargo vessels; this year it will be tugs.  If anyone has a tug hiding in their loft or workshop here is the moment to service it in readiness for the August Show. Other types of vessels can also be included in a club’s display.
Later this year we will be holding the annual commodore’s challenge; so to give ample time for preparations I will convey now the broad outlines of the task. It’s a straight runner project. Good luck and I hope there will be plenty of entries to make it a fun event.
The Commodore’s Challenge 2012
Build a straight running boat to the following specifications:
·       length:   36 inches minimum to 60 inches maximum
·       Beam: 4 inches minimum
·       Motor: 540
·       Battery: 4v to 7.2v
·       Single propeller
The boat will be aimed at a target; the highest score will be the winner.

Chris Platford

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Compstall plague

Last week on the TV I watched a program called "Natures weirdest Events" all about unusual natural events, bizarre things that appear to defy the laws of nature and leave witnesses and experts alike mystified, confused and often frightened.
I was surprised then when we at Stockport had our own Plague,  Of Moths!! 
Following the blog that Andy the new secretary would be attending this weeks club meeting with the renewal forms for this year, there was a larger that usual gathering at the clubhouse with people wanting to renew for this year, so perhaps that was the cause of the unusual happening at Compstall  when all the wallets were opened.
There was a lengthy talk on the forth coming years events and trips out and the members were asked to submit their names if they wanted to exhibit at the Northern Engineering Show, seems a long way off but don't forget Chris has to submit paperwork to the organisers well before the event.
There will be a newsletter from the new Commodore shortly and paper copies given out on request.
I would personally appreciate anyone contacting me, if they can give a short talk on a club night, as it gets harder as the years go by to come up with something new, perhaps you would like to bring your boat and talk on how you constructed it, or the electrics you used??

The guy that said he had severe earache when he was flying going on his  holidays had his trouble solved quite easy the booking staff just booked his wife's seat 10 rows back!!
Boom Boom 

That's all folks

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Diary now approved and online

Last night the club committee finalised and approved this years club diary, it is as below, for the remainder of the year it will be available on the diary page of this blog on the tab above 2012 Club Diary for quick reference the diary page is colour coded so you can spot events at a glance. The diary page will be updated on a regular basis with things like club night talks.

There is also a slight change in the Club 500 racing rules, check the tab bar above.
Happy sailing in the coming year and lets make it the eventful year it was last year, and don't forget it's only as good as you  the members make it.

Saturday, 7 January 2012


The 2012 diary page of the site has now been updated and can be found on the Tab above or by Clicking here This is waiting approval by the committee.
 If you spot any deliberate mistakes in the meantime let me or Andy know.

Monday, 2 January 2012

From Dave Lee

Hi there everyone,
A happy new year to you all.
See you at the lake,

Dave Lee 
And the same to you Dave I know I'm speaking for everyone when I say that Dave.

This is Dave's first sail of the year, as you can see from the date marked on the picture.
He stated that there was no one else there!, not surprised were you Dave!
That would be a no win competition wouldn't it, sailing more times a year than Dave.

Just need some sound effects on here now, ie chattering teeth springs to mind!

Sunday, 1 January 2012

New Year

A Happy New Year
to all our members, 
 may your props never come off, your rudders keep turning and the wind keeps blowing.

Check out the  Year planner in the corridor of the boat house for coming events for this year, hopefully it will be as good as the past one for you.
Have you thought of your next build, lets hear from you with your ideas!.
Don't forget to save postage and bring your fees for this year to the next meeting, touchy subject I know but someone has to bring it up.
Still a good deal even with the increase.
A Teddy bear got a job on the council road gang. All went well on Monday, Tuesday likewise,but on Wednesday after his lunch break discovered his pick had been stolen.
He complained to the foreman who was undismayed and had the obvious answer.
"It's Wednesday", he said "That's the day the Teddy bears have their Picks nicked"  

Boom Boom!

That's all folks.